Praise God for your salvation

When suffering, it can be hard to give praise. It can be hard to worship. It can be hard to be thankful. The pull of our hearts towards disappointment, complaint, discouragement, lament, and even despondency can preclude the desire to honor the Lord with our praise.

How might we stimulate praise when we are in difficulty?  We might start where Paul ends his theological discourse in the book of Romans — we might start by remembering the inscrutable wisdom and grace of God to save us from sin (Rom. 11:33-36).  God is not just above all things in authority, but He is above all people in salvation — He has made salvation available, so we should praise Him.

  • I — one of the rejecting people of 1:20-21 — have been saved. Let that produce worship.
  • I — one of the great mass of unrighteous people (3:10ff) — have been declared righteous. Let that produce worship.
  • I — one of the enemies of God — have been freed from God’s wrath and reconciled as a friend to God (5:8-10). Let that produce worship.
  • I — one of Adam’s sons — have been crucified with Christ so that sin is no longer my master (6:8-11). Let that produce worship.
  • I — one of those who was against God — now have God for me, giving me all things and praying for me (8:31-33). Let that produce worship.
  • I — one who was completely outside God’s plan for His chosen people as a Gentile — have been grafted into God’s plan and saved alongside Israel (11:17-18). Let that produce humble worship.

These realities (and more) and the great benediction of Paul in Romans 11 are reminders to us that no matter how great our suffering, what we have received from God in His gift of our salvation infinitely outweighs our trials.

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