The Bible – in one sentence

I came across this blog post and question last week:  “What’s the message of the Bible in one sentence?”

And it got me to wondering:  how would I articulate the theme of the Bible so briefly?  I came up with two answers, kind of like the Westminster Confession — one shorter and one longer.  Here they are:

The shorter:

The Bible is written to reveal the glory of God.

The longer:

Three major themes of the Bible — creation (man and all things are made for God’s glory), fall (man rejected God’s glory), and redemption (God graciously makes provision for man to be restored to enjoy His glory) — combine to reveal the one great theme of Scripture, the glory of God.

How would you answer that question?

[Aside:  He also previously asked the question, “What’s the Key to Healthy Christian Growth in Godliness?” Another good question which merits a concise, as well as more extensive, answer.]

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